The Diploma program in Administrative Office Specialist is geared for the individual who is looking for an all-around business education. Course work in this program will give the student basic knowledge with which to enter the business world. It is also a successful program for those who are in an office environment to upgrade their knowledge of what is needed in today’s employment. It is a strong step toward getting that sought after promotion. Office skills such as keyboarding and records management are taught, along with introductory classes in Microsoft Word, Access (database management), Excel (spreadsheets), and the basics of accounting and business communications.
Businesses no longer expect an employee to fit in only one niche, but instead like to know that people can switch gears as needed. Whether in a one-person office or a support position in a larger corporate setting, the Administrative Office Specialist diploma offers a well-rounded education and produces a well-rounded employee.
Whether you’re just getting started or you’re ready to take the next step in your career, Lansdale School of Business can help. Get the training you need for the job you want. Contact LSB today!
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